When: Tuesday, December 1 from 12:30-1:45
Zoom Link (Tuesday Lecture Link): https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/93336999814
About David Wesley White,
I use a research-based practice to examine personal and American history through a queer lens. In my art, I search for visual clues hidden deep within the archive that feel particularly surreal or prophetic. I then use this material like language; finding ways to manipulate meanings through specific interventions and arrangements. Recently I have been questioning the symbology of gay male culture; how it was born and how it reproduces itself without the ability to biologically reproduce.
Whether invading a replica of Reagan’s Oval Office, sewing fitted bedsheets over the bodies of queer companions, or miniaturizing the life-saving blast-holes from Pulse nightclub—my art traces and breaks through the edges of the established past. The American vision I present is dystopian and sublime; highlighting nuggets of humor and beauty within a continuum of political frustration and fear.