Sunday, November 13, 2016

Art 1A Getty Field Trip & A Note About Weeks 8-10

I hope that all of you who went to the Getty enjoyed yourself! I had a wonderful time with all of you! A very special thank you to Dom Riolo and Jimmy Miracle who drove the UCSB vans from campus to the Getty and back again!
I thought that you would love to see that Jimmy Miracle and Emily Paulsen made extraordinarily impressive sketches of works of art that they saw at the Getty.
Overview of Weeks 8-10:
There will be no lecture on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 (since most of you weren't coming to school anyway). Instead, we will have these THREE makeup lectures (you are responsible to attend ONE of them:
  • Wednesday, November 16: 2:00-3:15 (in front of Psych 1924)
  • Monday, November 21: 2:00-3:15 (in front of Psych 1924)
  • Monday, November 21: 4:45-6:00 (directly following the regular lecture) 
Week 8:
  • Research Paper #2 topic handed out on Monday, November 14
  • Lectures: Hidden Mediations: Racism, Sexism & Orientalism
  • Museum response paper now due on Wednesday, November 16 (to give you more time to think about it). Be sure to have all of your Tweets done by this time as well.
Week 9
  • I will not be discussing Postmodern Paradigms I: Simulacra & the Culture of the Copy– therefore you are not responsible for reading summaries from the Jean Baudrillard, Robert Miklitsch and Steven Shaviro articles. Instead, we will be focusing on Research Paper #2, and related content.
  • Please get your museum Tweets done by the end of this week.
  • No lecture on Wednesday, November 23. See makeup lecture options above.
Week 10:
  • Artist Talks featuring Carlos Ochoa and Jimmy Miracle.
  • Paper #2 Due Wednesday, November 30. BE SURE TO UPLOAD PAPER #2 before you come to class!
  • Up to 3 Makeup weekly reading summaries due Monday, November 28.
  • Extra Credit assignments due by Wednesday, November 30.
  • You have the opportunity to submit up to 2 weekly reading summaries to make up for any that you may not have submitted. They must be submitted to your TA by Monday, November 28.
EXTRA CREDIT (Select Two. Due by Wednesday, November 30)
  • Visit an exhibition at The Glass Box Gallery on campus and write a 1-2 page response paper.
  • Visit an exhibition at the UCSB AD&A Museum and write a 1-2 page response paper.
  • View the remainder of the Marina Abromovic The Artist is Present film,and write a 1-2 page response paper. Information about viewing the film can be found HERE.