Thursday, May 23, 2024


If you have missed a lot of classes, with unexcused absences throughout the quarter, then you should do these assignments to clear them. As you know, 5 or more unexcused absences will result in failing the class. However, if you had emergencies, and can provide me with a note from your doctor, from Student Health, or from your CAPS, DSP, CARE Counselor (for the specific dates in question)– then those absences will be excused. If you are not sure how many unexcused absences you have accumulated during the quarter, then check with your TA. These papers are due no later than Thursday, June 6th by 6:00 PMSubmit them to your TA.

Please noteIf you did not go on the museum field trips, or the alternate museum field trip, then you have 2 unexcused absences for each of the trips, and you will also be missing the graded weekly assignment those weeks.

To clear unexcused absencesWatch the recorded Arts Colloquium Artist Talks, and/or attend the AD&A exhibition listed below, and write a 2-3 page Artist Talk and exhibition response paper. Each assignment clears a single absence. Therefore, if you need to clear more than one absence you will need to do more than one of these assignments. 

These do not count as extra credit to raise your course grade, they are only to clear unexcused absences.

You may submit up to 3 assignments total:
1) Visit the UCSB MFA Thesis Exhibition: Incandescent at the AD&A and write a response paper.
2) Nicholas Galanin: Recorded Talk
3) Alisha Wormsley: Recorded Talk