Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Research Paper #2 & Weekly Reading Summaries Update

Xu Bing, 1st Class detail (2011). On view at LACMA.

We will see Xu Bing's work, which is the subject of Research Paper #2, in person on our museum field trip to LACMA on Saturday, November 9th. You will find some valuable information from LACMA about The Allure of Matter: Material Art from China exhibition, which features his work, HERE. There are many books about the artist on Reserve at Davidson Library HERE (you will need to use your UCSB NetID and password to access the Course Reserves).

The Remaining Weekly Reading Summaries have been cancelled for weeks 7-10. The only remaining assignment that you will have is your 2-page museum response paper. Please take this time to focus on Research Paper #2.