Sunday, March 24, 2019

Welcome to Art 1A Spring 2019

Art 1A: Visual Literacy
University of California, Santa Barbara
Spring 2019
Instructor: Helen Taschian, Ph.D.
Eileen Cowin. Magritte, (detail 1987)

I look forward to meeting all of you in class when the quarter begins! Please be sure to go to Associated Students to pick up your course reader, and to the campus bookstore (or online HERE) to pick up John Berger's Ways of Seeing

See the class syllabus HERE and the weekly reading assignments HERE (both can be found in the course reader. There is a copy of the course reader and copies of John Berger's Ways of Seeing on reserve at the Circulation Desk at Davidson Library

Weekly Reading Summary: McCloud, The Vocabulary of Comics (Due: Thursday, April 4)